Shine your light and let
the whole world see you're singing for the glory of the risen King/
Shine your light and let the whole world see you're singing for the
glory of the risen King/ Savior, He can move the mountains/ my God is
mighty to save, mighty to save/ forever author of salvation, He rose
and conquered the grave/ Savior, He can move the mountains, my God is
mighty to save, mighty to save!
Over and over this song
from Hillsong has played on my computer this morning. I have been
thinking of my life and how I want my light and my song to be heard
by the world and know that it is for the glory of a King who heals,
who saves. My God has saved me from the pit of death, from the dry,
barren desert places, from a broken, shattered heart. My God has
turned my mourning into dancing, my tears of sadness into tears of
joy, My God is mighty to save! Today my song is one of thanksgiving
and awe as I look back over the months, the year and see the Glory of
God in my life. And I want everyone to know the mighty power of my
God, of the light in my heart. He can move mountains in your heart,
He can conquer the grave of disappointed hopes and dreams, He can
can create wholeness and beauty from ashes and brokenness. This is
me, praising my God, my Savior, and my Healer. Let the whole world
see, my God has conquered the grave, and is mighty to save. This is my
song, my light.
The last month especially
I have learned and seen and experienced how mighty God is, how He
provides, saves, and gives strength and hope. Stories too numerous to
write are in my heart of how He is there, always. His glory is
shining and I can only say how good and kind and mighty He is. I
simply cannot imagine what a dreary, hopeless life it must be without
God. What is like to live without faith, without hope, without light?
It is difficult for me to fathom. My relationship with God is so
important, such a part of who I am. I want everyone to experience
what it is like to sleep peacefully, to walk confidently, to know
that there is light, and hope. So I shine my light and I sing and I
share of the glory of God and the wonder of His love and salvation.
May the whole world see it and hear it and sing it, too.