Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A Small Thing

One thing I saw in Bolivia was the generosity always given so freely. During my time in Bolivia I met with a church and some members to hear and see what their dreams and goals for the future were. One church member invited us to her house and made a wonderful meal for us with the little she owned. She then told us that she was praying for us in the United States, that God would bless us. As I looked around at her humble house, with only a spigot in the yard for water, a few pots and pans over an open fire for her kitchen, I felt a lump rise in my throat when I considered the surroundings I am used to seeing here. This church member was asking for a blessing for us. The contrast was amazing. And deeply humbling.

I would like to be that generous. I would like to give out of the wealth that I have here. Will you join me? Will you look around for others who may not even have less than you, and give what you do have? Will you look for ways to bless other people?

I would like to introduce you to this woman's pastor. In this photo, he is the gentleman standing on the far right, his best blue shirt tucked in neatly, sleeves rolled up to the right size. Pastor Agusto stands with another pastor and the director of a Methodist school in front of the church he pastors in San Julian, the first Methodist church in the area. It is a mission church, and is in an impoverished area far from paved roads. Inside the floors are dirt, the walls of plain boards nailed up against the elements. Next door is a school and an empty, sandy lot where children were playing soccer.

The thing that makes Pastor Agusto stand out is the fact that he is an ordained elder in the Methodist church, yet his church cannot afford a parsonage for him to live in close to the church. Instead, he rents a place to live 15 blocks away...and walks the dusty or muddy roads every day to get to church to pastor his congregation. He has no transportation other than his feet. As we explored further, we found it is possible to purchase a motorcycle for around $1400 USD. I would like to help Pastor Agusto and present him with a new motorcycle. Would you help us raise the $1400 necessary to purchase a means of transportation for Pastor Agusto?

A motorcycle is a small thing. A small way to be the hands and feet of Jesus. A small way to reach out to others across the globe and share with others living in difficult surroundings. And I know every spare cent of mine is going toward making the goal of purchasing a motor for Pastor Agusto.

If you would like to help, please leave a comment or send me an email here: Email

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