Thursday, February 2, 2012


There's an ache and a void.

There's a broken heart and an emptiness.

There's a future that seems blank.

A darkness, a tearing.

A loud clap of thunder, silent and threatening lightening.

And then there is silence.

For a long time. Ages it seems. Silence filled with gasping.


Then, the sun rises on another day.

Dragging, forced to move.

No expectations, no true hope for anything.

Only to be surprised and incredulous at the outcome.

Joy comes in the morning. Love comes in the morning.


This is a double story. One is the story of Christ on the cross, dying. His death led to darkness and silence. His resurrection brought hope and joy to our life again. Joy that comes in the morning.

Oh Christ, light up the world with Your joy and love. Shed its light on my heart and the hearts of those I love. Bring Your joy into our lives, Your hope to bring us life and love again.

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